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Here’s the full list of HSK-4 words with all the info Chinese, Pinyin and English. Before you take HSK 4 test, you should master 1200 commonly used words and related grammar patterns in this HSK level 4 … 新hsk 关注评价的客观、准确,更重视发展考生汉语应用能力。 新hsk 制定明确的考试目标,便于考生有计划、有成效地提高汉语应用能 力。 四、考试用途 新hsk 延续原有hsk 一般(或通用)汉语能力考试的定位,面向成人汉语 学习者。其成绩可以满足多元需求: HSK 4 Full Word List. Here’s the full list of HSK4 words (plus some!) with all the info you need: Chinese, Pinyin, English and 2 example sentences for each. This is great if you want to make your own flashcard deck (Anki) or just check them off through a spreadsheet. HSK learning resources. Once you have registered for your HSK exam at The University of Manchester, find all of the HSK Exam Preparation Resources you could need on this page! Vocabulary Lists. HSK Level 1 - Vocabulary List (.pdf) HSK Level 2 - Vocabulary List (.pdf) HSK 5 & HSK 6 VOCABULARY PAGES ARE UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Stay tuned and enjoy the rest of the site, and HSK 1-4! HSK 4 Practice Test - H41001. The actual test is 105 minutes. A passing score is 180 out of 300. Answers can be found at the end of the test. HSK 4 liste de caractères à connaître S’inscrire aux sessions de préparation de HSK Introduction. Il y a 1200 caractères à connaître pour l’examen de HSK de niveau 4. Attention, le pinyin sera pas écrit. Il est écrit uniquement pour les examens de HSK de niveau 1 et de niveau 2. HSK 4 Vocabulary List In this section you can download the words for preparation for HSK 4 in the zip archive format in which there is a PDF document inside or see a PDF document with a list of words online. You can also use a separate page on the site with a list of words online, with the ability to search by words for easy learning.

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HSK 5 & HSK 6 VOCABULARY PAGES ARE UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Stay tuned and enjoy the rest of the site, and HSK 1-4! HSK 4 Practice Test - H41001. The actual test is 105 minutes. A passing score is 180 out of 300. Answers can be found at the end of the test. HSK 4 liste de caractères à connaître S’inscrire aux sessions de préparation de HSK Introduction. Il y a 1200 caractères à connaître pour l’examen de HSK de niveau 4. Attention, le pinyin sera pas écrit. Il est écrit uniquement pour les examens de HSK de niveau 1 et de niveau 2. HSK 4 Vocabulary List In this section you can download the words for preparation for HSK 4 in the zip archive format in which there is a PDF document inside or see a PDF document with a list of words online. You can also use a separate page on the site with a list of words online, with the ability to search by words for easy learning. The HSK 4 is the fourth stage of the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi, or Chinese Proficiency Test. It test test-takers’ knowledge of 1200 words in total, or 600 more than the HSK 3. The HSK 4 is the first of the six Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi levels be described as testing one’s language abilities to a high standard. HSK Level 4 Tests. Past Exams . Past Exams 1st Set. Past Exams 2nd Set. Past Exams 3rd Set. Past Exams 4th Set. Past Exams 5th Set. Past Exams 6th Set. Past Exams 7th Set. Past Exams 8th Set. Past Exams 9th Set. Past Exams 10th Set. Mocks 1st Set

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